Thursday, April 30, 2015

my final speech link


1.- What have I learned?
I have learned to use phrasal verbs, prepositions, and I improved my skills in writing,
2.   What did I do to improve?
I have done all my homework and classroom activities.
I also attended all my classes.
3.   What can I improve even more?
I know I need to improve a lot. I need and I can improve my skills, especially those that are more difficult for me as is the listening and writing

4.   How can I improve? Could I survive abroad in a place where English were the only way to communicate? Why?
Sé que falta mejorar mucho. Necesito y puedo mejorar todas mis habilidades, sobre todo las que mas se me dificultan como lo es el listening y writing

I know I need to improve a lot. I need and I can improve my skills, especially those that are more difficult for me as is the listening and writing

5.   What is the most important thing I got from this course?
The tools the teacher gave us to learn new things.
6.   What I am going to do in order not to lose what I’ve learned so far?
Keep practicing, and not put aside the language
7.   Why I think is English such an important requirement at TEC?
It is one of the greatest tools that we have today as professionals to be better as there is so much competition in the job hunt and the tec wants its graduates have the right skills and competencies to compete and be the best.
8.   How important is for my professional life to communicate in English?
Is Very important in my career because it is essential for the area, economics and finance study today the most important financial centers are in English-speaking countries, all important information is being handled in this language
9.   What job opportunities could I apply to due to my knowledge of English?
Definitely knowledge of a second language such as the English (basic) gives you a very high curricular weight, today all companies highly qualified and better prepared candidates seek prestige and skills in several languages

10.  Is English  enough or I need to study another language?
I think it's not enough. Currently only English is not important, if not that other languages are positioning themselves strongly as requirements to get good jobs and interact with others. So just to travel around the world
11.   What other language would you like to learn? Why?
German and French Why? German because in the city where I live and study there are companies from Germany, our institution is linked to these companies, in order to their students perform internships and to be hired, and I would like study French because there is a region in Canada and countries in Europe where it’s the official language and I plan to travel to those destinations in the future.
12.  Say something to your classmates...
It was a pleasure to have shared this course with you, and worked and shared knowledge.
I improved my ability to work in teams.
I learned more about grammar.
the course helped me in the process of improving in writing


To: miss montse comellas 
good morning miss 
i hope you are well, i send this message in order to ask a permission to be absent because i can't take the exam in the scheduled date and i'm not going to take the class for the rest of the week. i want to know if can i take the exam when i get back to puebla? the reason is that i have an important competition in monterrey, you know i am in the atletism representative team and i need to go to the conadeip 2015.
i take the responsibility of taking exam when i got back to puebla and to do the activities, and assigments of the week. thanks 
see you miss

Thursday, April 16, 2015


"email colaborate"

"vocabulary crossword"

this is me "link"

"this is me"

team work in nature

email evidence

my first partial mind map

1 partial writting exam

In my family we have a tradition in easter week; when it is close to this weew, we prepare with the ash wednesday; we go to the churchan we listen to the mass.after arrive the monday we begin to do not eat meat and derivates; but, we eat chicken, fish,vegetables and fruits, all this occur during the week; because it is special for my mom. she likes to respect this tradition and religion, she thinks that it is important for us. she is sure that God exists and that he is good.
for tis reason, my dad and i go to the church although we do not believe so much like my mo; but she installed in my mind since child. our week finished when we go to the church holy thursday, holy friday,oly saturday and resurrection sunday.

have you ever (toondoo)

life balance 5 question

"my best vacation"

my cousinsand i went to the beach playa del carmen, isla mujeres and cozumel with my parents and uncles. in the nigth we visited the nigth clubs  and it was my first time. iknow many places in the beach zone and also the city.
i went to the shopping in many stores and that's it

"my course expectation"

my mind map "my major"